



Computers, computers(バーデン・タイラー)

  • 2024年04月01日

At Meisei University, I teach English classes. However, when I first went to university I studied Mathematics-with-Engineering. As part of one of my mathematics modules at university, I was required to write a computer program in order to solve a mathematics equation. Back then, few people had a computer because they were still quite new. Since I didn’t have a suitable computer, it was necessary to use one of the computers on campus. Also, back then, the Internet was still very primitive; it wasn’t possible, for example, to ask Google for help. I had to refer to a user manual in order to figure out how to use the computer programming language (I think it was called Fortran).

In our department, we had a small computer room with about fifteen computer terminals. It wasn’t a nice room with helpful and friendly staff members like the computer rooms in Building 26 at this university. The room was very small and stuffy and there were no support staff close by. Also, the computers were bigger and a lot slower. Anyway, I had a spare afternoon and I hoped to finish the assignment within a few hours. I worked and worked on it, but every time I pressed ‘enter’ the program failed. I was still trying and failing, writing and rewriting the program until late at night when I was finally told by the caretaker that he wanted to close the building and I had to go home.

This pattern continued for several days. I kept returning to the computer room, sitting in front of a computer terminal and failing to solve the equation. I could not understand why the program was not working. The amount of time I was spending on this one problem was affecting all the other coursework I had to do. So, finally I admitted defeat and went to tell my tutor what had happened. He asked me to show him a printout of the program I had written, which I did. He took one glance at it and told me that I had put in a comma that shouldn’t be there. I went back to the computer room, deleted the comma, ran the program and, lo and behold, the program worked! One week of difficulty and frustration, all because of one comma. I couldn’t believe it!

I guess the moral of this story is that if you have a problem, you should seek help with it sooner rather than later as there is no point wasting time doing something over and over. Thankfully, these days, computers and computer applications are a lot more user-friendly than they used to be, so you’re very unlikely to lose sleep over a misplaced comma!



